Quarry tour

The 18 km long tour takes its name from the quarries that you pass near Gipperich and Scheda and, in addition to a labyrinth, offers other educational sights.



Tour starting point:

Drolshagen (Am Mühlenteich)

Tour destination point:

Drolshagen (Am Mühlenteich)


  • Stage tour
  • Round trip
  • cultural / historical

Additional Information





18.2 km


1:20 Std.

Elevation ascent

213 m

Elevation descent

213 m

Lowest point

339 m

Highest point

462 m





Recommended seasons


The starting point of the GPX track is in Drolshagen (parking lot at the Mühlenteich). However, you can of course start this circular tour at any point. The 750 m long Drolshagen hedge maze is located above Stupperhof. The labyrinth is not a maze and the path has no branches. It is a place of meditation, a symbol of the center.

The Schlüsen nature trail is located near Schützenbruch. "Schlüsen" is the name given in Drolshagen to the old hollow paths that run through the woods here. A nature trail has been created below the village of Junkernhöh to give you a feel for the old days. You can find out how life was on and with the old paths and what happened when the flow of traffic changed with new roads.

In Hützemert you will find the old railroad station and not far from it the Wegeringhausen Tunnel, the longest cycle tunnel in NRW. Take a detour, but remember: the route back to Drolshagen is in the opposite direction.

Hünkesohl forest chapel


The path through the city park 'Lohmühle', then left a few meters on Benolpe Straße and then immediately left into the street "In der Trift".

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Labyrinth 1

In 2007, a hedge maze was created in an ideal scenic location above Stupperhof, taking up six thousand years of history.

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Wegeringhauser Tunnel (Radtunnel)

Wegeringhauser Tunnel

Im Jahre 1903 wurde mit der Strecke Bergneustadt-Olpe der letzte Abschnitt einer Bahnverbindung aus dem südlichen Westfalen nach Köln ins Rheinland eröffnet.

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Schlüsen-Lehrpfad Junkernhöh


"Schlüsen" - eine mundartliche Bezeichnung für Hohlwege - sind die Zeugen alter Handelswege.

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Drolshagen marketplace

Brunnen Marktplatz

The market square was created after the fire of 1838 in the structure of the new streets laid out at right angles.

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Old Drolshagen Monastery

Altes Kloster mit St. Clemens

In 1235, Count Heinrich III von Sayn and his wife Mechtildis von Landsberg donated the necessary land to the Cistercian nuns to found a monastery in Drolshagen.

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Drolshagen - Gipperich - Feldmannshof - Wörd - Wegeringhausen - Bleche - Scheda - Schützenbruch - Junkernhöh - Germinghausen - Hützemert - DrolshagenSince 2015, the entire Sauerland region has been signposted with the junction system:www.radeln-nach-zahlen.de/de/Das-Konzept-Radeln-nach-Zahlen/Knotenpunktkarte


 Eine Liste von hilfreichen Tipps rund um die Ausrüstung finden Sie unter: www.adfc.de/themen/auf-tour/radtourenplanung/checkliste-packen/

Safty guidelines

A rescue point system has been installed throughout the region (Soest district, Hochsauerlandkreis, Märkischer Kreis, Olpe district and Siegen-Wittgenstein district). Rescue points can be found on the information boards at the junctions of the Südwestfalen cycle network.

Author Tip

In Drolshagen sind die St.-Clemens-Pfarrkirche und das Alte Kloster sehenswert. Der mit Fachwerkhäusern umstandene Marktplatz hat sehr viel Charme.


Der BVA Radausflugsführer "Alte Bahntrassen im Sauerland" 1:50.000: 14,95 € (zzgl. 2,50 € Verpackung und Versand) bietet neben der Tourenbeschreibung auch weiterführende Informationen zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten am Wegesrand.


BVA ADFC-Regionalkarte Sauerland (mit Knotenpunktsystem) 1:75.000:  8,95 € (zzgl. 2,50 € Verpackung und Versand) BVA Radausflugsführer "Alte Bahntrassen im Sauerland" 1:50.000: 14,95 € Publicpress: Ruhr-Sieg-Radweg, Meschede - Kirchen (Sieg) 1:50.000: 9.99€   Hier können Sie bestellen: www.radeln-nach-zahlen.de/de/Service-Kontakt/Kartenwerke-aus-der-Region  

Public transiot

The following bus lines serve Drolshagen: R 52: via Olpe - Drolshagen-Bleche-Meinerzhagen, L 560 and L 561: Olpe - Drolshagen, OVAG line 301: via Gummersbach - Drolshagen- Olpe

Getting there

Drolshagen is located directly on the A 45 freeway (Sauerland route from Dortmund to Aschaffenburg) and has its own exit, which leads to Drolshagen from the north via Wegeringhausen and Hützemert. The route is even shorter via the Olpe exit in the south, which leads to the town center via the B 54 and B 55 federal highways that run together here.


There are plenty of parking facilities in and around Droslhagen.