
Natural monument

In 2007, a hedge maze was created in an ideal scenic location above Stupperhof, taking up six thousand years of history.

Labyrinth 1

Labyrinth 2

Labyrinth im Bau

Labyrinth früher



nahe der Ortschaft Stupperhof

57489 Drolshagen

Telefon: 02761 9427990 ab 10 Uhr



The labyrinth's route never presents any choices. After numerous detours that force you to walk the entire interior, you have to follow the path to the center. The labyrinth is not a maze. The path is without branches. Labyrinths are symbols of the center. They always circle around the center, come close to it and lead back to the outermost edge, so that the wanderer loses track and no longer knows where he is on his path.

You don't get lost in the labyrinth.
You find yourself in the labyrinth.
You don't meet the Minotaur in the labyrinth.
You meet yourself in the labyrinth.

The Drolshagen labyrinth can be found by coming from the direction of Olpe (B54/55) and leaving the traffic circle at the second exit in the direction of Benolpe. From Benolperstraße, turn off in the direction of Stupperhof. (signposted from there)

Stupperhof is home to an external residential group of the Josefshaus Olpe and operates a barn restaurant there. After the labyrinth walk, you can enjoy coffee and cake there at the weekend.

Text: Drolshagen Marketing e. V. and Prof. Dr. Hubertus Halbfas

(Fig. 3: Photo from the construction phase)

Main opening times:

Sunday opened
Monday opened
Tuesday opened
Wednesday opened
Thursday opened
Friday opened
Saturday opened


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