Drolshagen marketplace

Historic city center

Sauerland-Seen / Outdooractive POI / Drolshagen marketplace

The market square was created after the fire of 1838 in the structure of the new streets laid out at right angles. It was given its current design in 1991. The fountain in the middle is a reminder of nodal points in the town's history, linked to four sayings by the mystic Angelus Silesius (1624-1677).

Brunnen Marktplatz

Haus am Marktplatz


Drolshagen marketplace

Marktplatz 1

57489 Drolshagen

Telefon: 02761/970-0


The market square is lined with houses from the reconstruction period after the town fire. On the corner of Gerberstraße, the large half-timbered building, which now houses the Sparkasse bank, stands out from the other houses in the town center with its mansard roof. Directly opposite is the former Hotel Schürholz, a listed, magnificent half-timbered house. It was run as a hotel by its builder, Andreas Schürholz, and was the "first house on the square". After the town fire, only wealthy citizens were able to settle on the market square and along the main street. The further away the building plots on the streets leading from here became, the more modest the new buildings were when they were rebuilt after 1838. The house on the corner of Annostrasse/Kirchplatz, which houses a restaurant, is one of the first stone buildings in Drolshagen. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century.

Until then, there were only half-timbered buildings with mud walls. The beautiful stucco ornamentation, which is rare for Drolshagen, is typical of this period. The house opposite stands where the old town hall once stood.

Text: Drolshagen Marketing e. V.


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Main opening times:

Sunday opened
Monday opened
Tuesday opened
Wednesday opened
Thursday opened
Friday opened
Saturday opened