Waldroute stage Marsberg - Diemel dam

Sauerland-Seen / Outdooractive Touren / Waldroute stage Marsberg - Diemel dam
This stage leads from Marsberg up and down the historic Altstadt to Diemelsee.

Sonnenuntergang auf der Sauerland-Waldroute

Wanderer vor dem Buttenturm

Blick auf Obermarsberg

Aussicht vom Buttenturm

Die Waldroute in Marsberg

Die Drakenhöhlen in Marsberg

Der Rittersprung Marsberg



Blick auf den Diemelsee

Tour starting point:


Tour destination point:

Diemel dam


  • From A to B
  • Quality Trail Wanderbares Deutschland
  • Stage tour
  • promising
  • Fauna
  • Refreshment stop
  • cultural / historical




22.3 km


6:40 Std.

Elevation ascent

508 m

Elevation descent

429 m

Lowest point

245 m

Highest point

465 m





Recommended seasons


From Niedermarsberg, the route leads through the town up to historic Obermarsberg. Hikers can make exciting discoveries along the way, such as the Buttenturm - a former dungeon and surveillance tower - or the Drakenhöhle - a former drinking water supply site.

Once at the top, the legendary Knights' Leap offers a fantastic view over the town. The route leads over the Kalvarienberg hill along the Diemel river through the beautiful surrounding forests.

Traces of mining in this region can be seen again and again, but faunistic highlights such as the large fields of wild garlic and arnica also amaze hikers. Finally, the trail leads down to the Diemelsee and the adjacent village of Helminghausen, as well as the Diemelsperrmauer. Numerous bathing spots or one of the bathing beaches invite you to linger and make the end of the stage perfect!

Bushaltestelle Marsberg Bahnhof


Elektronische Fahrplanauskunft: 0800-504030 rund um die Uhr

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Tourist information Marsberg

Touristinformation - Stadtmarketing und Wirtschaft

* We would like to support you in planning and organizing your vacation.

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Drakenhöhlen Obermarsberg

Drakenhöhle Obermarsberg

Die Drakenhöhlen befinden sich in Obermarsberg unterhalb des Buttenturms.

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Buttenturm Obermarsberg

Buttenturm Obermarsberg

Remains of the old town wall can still be seen in Obermarsberg today, including the water tower and the Buttenturm.

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Kettenbrunnen Obermarsberg

Kettenbrunnen Obermarsberg

Wie kleine Zeitfenster reihen sich Sehenswürdigkeiten aneinander.

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Kalvarienbergkapelle Obermarsberg


Außerhalb der alten Standmauern von Obermarsberg auf dem 373 m hohen Kalvarienberg steht eine als Endpunkt des Kalvarienweges 1868 erbaute Kapelle.

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Helminghausen - Ortsteil von Marsberg am Diemelsee

Blick auf Helminghausen und Diemelsee

Die Stadt Marsberg , östliche Eingangspforte zum Sauerland mit rund 20.

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Blick Diemelsee Staumauer vom Eisenberg

Der Bau der Diemelsee-Staumauer wurde 1905 beschlossen und im Jahre 1912 begonnen.

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Parkplatz am Diemelsee

Parkplatz Am See 5 - 7

Kostenloser Parkplatz an der Uferrandstraße

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Lake cruises and boat rental Stefan Koch

Seerundfahrten MS Muffert

Experience the Diemelsee and its charming natural landscape from the water!

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Marsberg - Obermarsberg - Giershagen - Padberg - Helminghausen - Diemelsee


Festes Schuhwerk und wetterfeste Kleidung wird auf allen Abschnitten der Sauerland-Waldroute empfohlen!

Safty guidelines

Information about the rescue signs on the Sauerland-WaldrouteMost hiking trails run away from towns and settlements and every hiker has thought about what would happen if an emergency were to occur. How can I be found here? Where am I anyway? Can the emergency services reach me?In an emergency, things have to happen quickly! That's why the Sauerland-Waldroute is equipped with so-called rescue signs throughout. The green and white stickers attached to the posts of the signposts have a number that you must give when making an emergency call. This means that the emergency services know exactly where you are and valuable time can be saved.

Author Tip

Historisches Obermarsberg Kalvarienberg Bärlauchfelder Bionikpfad  Diemelsperrmauer


Erlebnis-Wanderführer - Sauerland-Waldroute > www.naturpark-arnsberger-wald.de  

Public transiot

There is a regular bus service for both points. Marsberg has a train station and is also accessible via long-distance transport!

Getting there

Marsberg is conveniently located on the A44. The town center can be reached within a few minutes. From here, you can also easily reach the Diemelsee destination by car.


There is free parking at the end point. In Marsberg it is possible to park near the town - free of charge and/or for a fee.