The lumberjack round

Sauerland-Seen / Outdooractive Touren / The lumberjack round
Winding forest streams, historic forest workers' settlements and picturesque forest passages in the tranquillity of the Arnsberg Forest Nature Park with views of the Hevesee and the Möhne dam.

Auf der Sauerland-Waldroute am Möhnesee


Wanderer am Möhnesee bei Sonnenaufgang

Der Möhnesee-Turm

Tour starting point:

Hikers' parking lot Torhaus, Möhnesee

Tour destination point:

Hikers' parking lot Torhaus, Möhnesee


  • promising
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stop
  • cultural / historical




20.9 km


5:15 Std.

Elevation ascent

408 m

Elevation descent

409 m

Lowest point

212 m

Highest point

361 m





Recommended seasons


The Möhnesee and the Arnsberg Forest Nature Park are well-sounding names. The Möhne dam, named after the small Möhne river, was inaugurated in 1913. The Arnsberg Forest Nature Park, whose sea of forest covers an area of 460 square kilometers, was founded in 1961. The history of the Arnsberg Forest is over 1,000 years old. The management of the forest has played an important role over these ten centuries. The history of the forest workers is part of this. With Breitenbruch and Neuhaus, the tour even touches on two settlements whose
origins can be traced back to the history of forest workers' settlements. Hevesee and Hevearm, the shorter of the two arms of the Möhnesee and fed by the Heve, are important nature reserves and, like the Möhnesee itself, a European bird sanctuary. Those who finish the tour in Westfalen's most beautiful Biergarten, an extremely romantic flower and sculpture garden in the Landhotel Torhaus, will have plenty to talk about.

Sankt Meinolf

Die Möhnetalsperre

Das „Westfälische Meer“ wird der Möhnesee auch genannt – und das nicht zu Unrecht, denn es handelt sich um die flächenmäßig größte Talsperre im Sauerland.

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Bismarckturm Möhnesee


At 286 meters, the Bismarckturm is the highest point on the Haar between Soest and the Möhne dam.

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Der Möhnesee ist die flächenmäßig größte Talsperre im Sauerland.

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The gatehouse was built in 1911 as the gatehouse of the former game park. (The game park was abandoned in the 1950s. Later, the Torhaus, whose name corresponded to its function, was converted into a hotel and restaurant), is the starting point. Easily accessible by bus, bicycle and car. Recently, the large hiking parking lot has also become a stop on the Sauerland-Waldroute, a 240 km long-distance hiking trail from Marsberg to Iserlohn. You follow the white W on a green mirror, initially on a path, then over the Heveseedamm to the idyllic valley of the Kleine Schmalenau. The Waldroute uses thenarrow side strip between the dam (road) and the bank until the bank becomes wider and wider. The forest path that follows offers beautiful views of the Schmalenau, which alternately flows quickly or slowly. The Grüne Hoffnung, a lonely house, used to be a forester's lodge. But the trail continues straight ahead, the first time as a narrow path. Later, you briefly cross an asphalt road (forest path) and follow the forest path until you cross the B 229 at Breitenbruch and turn left, initially on an unsecured asphalt strip, later on a footpath, into the village. It developed from a forest workers' settlement. On the right is the Schüttler country inn (closed on Mondays, 02931/6308). Later, we cross the main road with the white double line markings (we leave the Waldroute) and turn left into the street "Im Windlicht". We follow this road, with extensive pastures on the left, until the path runs slightly uphill towards a crossroads at Altenbreitenbruch (the original site of the forest workers' settlement) on an asphalted forest path marked with a double horizontal line. The bench, under chestnut trees, bears the strange nameKastanienkeller. Continue straight ahead now with the A 2 markings, initially roughly gravelled, then the path format becomes increasingly natural. At the height of a medium-aged spruce forest on the left, the trail changes to a forest path into the forest and later back onto the forest path. There is a crossroads ahead of us. We cross the beautiful meandering stream of the Neue Schmalenau over the Jännis-Steg, a far too beautiful spot with dammed water and unearthly silence. Uphill on a path to a fork in the trail. Follow the forest path on the left with the familiar markings to the Kreuzeiche forest parking lot. The field cross is there, but the oaks are missing. It is said that the Kreuzeiche once marked a prominent waypoint on a historic trade route. We hike with the A 1 markings around the 370 m high Oerberg, which runs uphill on a path to the left in a valley incision and introduces one of the most beautiful passages of today's tour. High-stemmed spruce forest, then deciduous forest, then, we now follow the X 13 coming from the left, a sheer endless forest meadow passage of special class. The meadow strip opens up narrowly, bordered by dense forest. The path runs through the middle of it almost to the gates of Neuhaus, another settlement that has its origins in lumberjack activity. On the left is a veritable estate that belonged to the former forest estate and castle of St. Meinolf. The castle itself is just under 1.2 km away in the Hevetal. Refreshments are available at the Landgasthof Zum Tackeberg (02924/ 7613, closed on Mondays) in Neuhaus (follow the Rennweg to the right) and at the Wilhelmsruh recreation park at the crossroads. (Geronimos Lodge, open daily from 11.00 am, tel. 02924 / 85085). The hunting lodge also has a restaurant. We hike uphill on the X 13 (the Hanseweg of the SGV) and the Waldroute, initially on a roughly gravelled forest path, later on a typical forest path. Turn right at a refuge, a short unmarked passage, before the A 5 and X 26 join from the left and right respectively at a crossroads. We follow the A 5 straight ahead into a valley incision and soon see how a rivulet becomes a small stream through all kinds of tributaries, which flows into a bay of the Möhnesee. Shortly before reaching the lakeside road, turn left onto asphalt and, at the height of a small sailing facility, take another sharp left uphill on the A 5 (also M, X 13, rhombus etc.). A small stream valley accompanies us on the right. The path climbs steadily. At a bend, turn left onto the A5 and M paths to a refuge. Here we reach the good old friend again, the Waldroute, which we follow consistently to the Torhaus parking lot. Past passages that offer a glimpse of the Möhnesee, past several stations of the sound forest installation with forest instruments worth seeing.


Halbwanderschuhe (an schwülen Tagen Insektenschutzmittel),Tagestourenrucksack (ausreichend Getränke und Verpflegung für unterwegs; es bestehen mehrere Einkehrmöglichkeiten)

Author Tip

Fernglas und Fotoapparat unbedingt mitnehmen.Nicht geeignet für Kinderwagen.Der Klangwald: Hinter dem „Klangwald“ verbirgt sich ein 3,5 km langer Rundwanderweg im Naturpark Arnsberger Wald, an dem zehn Stationen mit Klangkunstobjekten errichtet wurden, die über die Gestaltung hinaus für alle Sinne erfahrbar sind. Der Klangwald ist das Ergebnis eines Ideenwettbewerbes, den das Ministerium für Umwelt und Naturschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz im Jahr 2007 unter den nordrheinwestfälischen Naturparken veranstaltete. Der Naturpark Arnsberger Wald hat sich mit dem Beitrag „Mythos Wald“ und dem darin enthaltenen Projekt „Klangwald“ erfolgreich beworben und den 1. Rang belegt.Zusammen mit dem Ideengeber Horst Rellecke ist der Klangwald dann in allen Details geplant und umgesetzt worden. Der Rundwanderweg ist in beiden Richtungen begehbar und mit einem „K“ gekennzeichnet.

Public transiot

Bus 548 from Arnsberg station to Torhaus stop

Getting there

By car: A4, AS Soest, B229 direction Möhnesee-Körbecke, over the Möhnesee bridge to P Torhaus.


Hikers' parking lot Torhaus, Möhnesee