Möhnesee shore tour

Sauerland-Seen / Outdooractive Touren / Möhnesee shore tour

The almost 20-kilometre shore tour takes us directly along the lake, offers beautiful views with little ascent and can be extended to a day trip as desired thanks to the numerous offers along the way.


Zwei Radfahrer stehen direkt am Ufer vom Möhnesee


Tour starting point:

Lake park on the Möhnesee

Tour destination point:

Lake park on the Möhnesee


  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stop
  • family-friendly

Additional Information







17.4 km


1:10 Std.

Elevation ascent

31 m

Elevation descent

31 m

Lowest point

203 m

Highest point

233 m





Recommended seasons


The cycle tour circles a large part of the Möhnesee, almost always close to the shore, so that orientation is not a major challenge. This leaves all the more time for the views of the Westfalen Sea from both the north and south shores and for the attractions along the route. If we start the circular tour on the north bank, the beautifully designed Seepark is the perfect place to start. Both the various play and sports facilities for young and old, as well as the diverse gastronomic offerings can be used as a warm-up or as an end to the cycle tour. The ride eastwards leads past the Uferlos lido (for a fee!), where a sandy beach invites you to linger in summer. The route continues to the romantic Kanzelbrücke, whose bridge pillars rise out of the water like church pulpits and form a picturesque photo motif. The nearby district of Völlinghausen again offers leisure activities such as mini golf, the wildlife park (admission is free!) and places to stop for refreshments. After crossing the Kanzelbrücke bridge, the route continues west along the south bank. The Möhneauen-Völlinghausen information trail offers cyclists and pedestrians the opportunity to discover the ecological and cultural-historical features of the area at 12 information stations over a length of 2.4 kilometers. The Körbecke pedestrian and cycle bridge would be a shortcut to get back to the Seepark. After crossing the Delecke bridge, it is again worth taking a short detour, e.g. at the traffic circle to the left to the public bathing area with sunbathing lawn. Or turn right at the traffic circle and shortly afterwards turn left uphill to the Drüggelte Chapel, which is well worth seeing and is the subject of many myths. From here, it is only a few kilometers back to the lake park in Körbecke.

Tourist-Information Möhnesee-Körbecke


Tourist-Information in Möhnesee-Körbecke hält eine Bandbreite an Dienstleistungen für Euch bereit.

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Knotenpunkt: 69

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Der Knotenpunkt ist Teil des Radnetz Südwestfalen.

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Knotenpunkt: 68

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Der Knotenpunkt ist Teil des Radnetz Südwestfalen.

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Die Kanzelbrücke gilt als eine der schönsten Steinbrücken Deutschlands.

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Von der Plattform des "Möhneseeturms" können Naturfreunde in 38 Metern Höhe einen Blick auf die besondere Landschaft werfen.

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Der Möhnesee ist die flächenmäßig größte Talsperre im Sauerland.

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Knotenpunkt: 72

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Der Knotenpunkt ist Teil des Radnetz Südwestfalen.

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Möhneseeschifffahrt GmbH


einfach Urlaub. Die Möhneseeschifffahrt bietet erlebnisreiche Schifffahrten über den Möhnesee und somit ein Abenteuer für die ganze Familie.

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Tourist-Information Möhnesee-Staumauer


Die Tourist-Information auf der Staumauer führt Informations- und Kartenmaterial, sowie zahlreiche Souvenirs.

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Knotenpunkt: 71

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Der Knotenpunkt ist Teil des Radnetz Südwestfalen.

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Bismarckturm Möhnesee


At 286 meters, the Bismarckturm is the highest point on the Haar between Soest and the Möhne dam.

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Knotenpunkt: 70

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Der Knotenpunkt ist Teil des Radnetz Südwestfalen.

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Seepark Möhnesee


Der Seepark in Körbecke bietet attraktive Angebote für alle Generationen.

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The suggested starting point at the Seepark offers a large number of parking spaces (for a fee). From there, we cycle past the leisure center along the cycle path through Stockum and Wamel towards Kanzelbrücke, which we reach and cross after approx. 6 km. We now continue west along the south bank. We pass the pedestrian bridge and the junction to the gatehouse on the left and reach the Delecke bridge. There is also a landing stage for the MS Möhnesee on the north side of the bridge, so you can also take a one-hour boat trip here. Bicycle transportation is free of charge. Without taking any further detours, turn right at the traffic circle after the bridge to get back to the lake steps in Körbecke.In the junction system, follow the number sequence: 70 - 69 - 68 - 72 - 71 - 70

Safty guidelines

A rescue point system has been installed throughout the region (Soest district, Hochsauerlandkreis, Märkischer Kreis, Olpe district and Siegen-Wittgenstein district). Rescue points can be found on the information boards at the junctions of the Südwestfalen cycle network, among other places

Author Tip

Auf der Möhnesteestaumauer werden auf Anfrage auch Führungen angeboten.


Paid parking lot at the Seepark (Seestraße)