Großmicketal - nature experience trail near Wenden

Sauerland-Seen / Outdooractive Touren / Großmicketal - nature experience trail near Wenden
Woodcock, cotton grass, meadow pipit - the wet meadows and swamp forests on the upper reaches of the Bigge and its tributaries impress with their rich flora and fauna.


Additional Information

You should definitely not miss out on a visit to the Wendener Hütte Museum.




26.3 km


1:55 Std.

Elevation ascent

195 m

Elevation descent

171 m

Lowest point

332 m

Highest point

432 m





The diversity of nature in the Wenden area can be experienced in a comfortable and entertaining way by bike: A tour of around 25 kilometers, which is very popular both for its scenic beauty and its moderate gradients, leads past five nature reserves. The Wendener Hütte Museum, the oldest surviving charcoal blast furnace in Western Europe, is also a first-class cultural monument right along the way.

The trail begins with the Mittagsbrüche nature reserve, a large wetland meadow complex adjoining small arable fields. The comparatively small Wendequellgebiet nature reserve forms a kind of stepping stone on the way to the Wiehbruch nature reserve. The route continues past the Dörnschlade pilgrimage chapel into the Großmicketal nature reserve. The final section is the Biggetal nature reserve with its wide floodplain, where the river is still largely free to develop.

Naturschätze Großmicketal
Naturschätze Prachtlibellen
Naturschätze Grossmicketal Wiehbruch
Naturschätze Vertragsnaturschutz
Museum Wendener Hütte

Museum Wendener Hütte

The Wenden Ironworks is a technical cultural monument preserved in situ and a museum on the history of iron technology in southern Westfalen.

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Naturschätze Grossmicketal Ameisenbläuling



The cycle tour is around 25 km long. From Wenden, the route leads along the Albe to Schönau. Turn south before the B 54. This path leads you to the Großmicke, which you follow to Vahlberg. Here the Großmicke flows into the Bigge, which takes you north again past the Wendener Hütte to Gerlingen. From Gerlingen, follow the turning point to Wenden town hall.


Da die Grünlandflächen kaum durch Wege erschlossen sind, lohnt auf jeden Fall ein Fernglas, um vom Radweg aus die Vogelwelt zu erkunden.

Getting there

Wenden town hall parking lot: Address for navigation: Hauptstraße 75, 57482 Wenden GPS (UTM): 32 U 420832, 5647108 Google coordinates: 50.970138, 7.872479 Wendener Hütte parking lot:Address for navigation: Hochhofenstraße 6, 57482 Wenden GPS (UTM): 32 U 417721 5647237 Google coordinates: 50.970834, 7.828167


The best starting point for a bike tour is the parking lot in the floodplain of the Wendebach, directly below the Wenden town hall. You can also park at the Wendener Hütte museum, but parking there is limited.