
The Diemelradweg - family-friendly and varied cycle route in the middle of Germany

Orpetal Bach

Blick vom Bilsteinturm

Rathaus Bad Karlshafen

Rasmöglichkeit Gemeinde Diemelstadt

Diemelradweg Gemeinde Diemelstadt

Überlauf am Diemelradweg Gemeinde Diemelstadt

Gemeinde Willingen

Diemelradweg bei Warburg

Radfahrer in Trendelburg


Blick auf den Diemelsee

Radfahrer am Diemelsee

Radfaher am Diemelsee

Staumauer Diemelsee Helminghausen

Fährschiff Diemelsee

Tour starting point:


Tour destination point:

Bad Karlshafen


  • From A to B
  • Stage tour
  • promising
  • family-friendly




111.1 km


8:10 Std.

Elevation ascent

383 m

Elevation descent

974 m

Lowest point

97 m

Highest point

663 m





Recommended seasons


Impressive natural landscapes, fairytale legends and pretty towns

Accompany the Diemel from its source in Willingen-Usseln to where it flows into the Weser in Bad Karlshafen. The family-friendly cycle path is well developed, uniformly signposted and offers numerous leisure, recreational and cultural opportunities along the way. Over a length of around 112 kilometers, you will experience varied natural landscapes from the heights of the Waldeck Upland to the Diemelsee Nature Park, through the Sauerland, over the hilly low mountain range landscape to the Weser - charming valleys, rolling hills and mountains, impressive calcareous grasslands, the Rheinhardswald.

The themed cycle route starts in mountainous terrain and then remains largely family-friendly and flat. Only in Padberg is there a crisp intermediate climb awaiting you, which is rewarded.

The Diemelradweg is easy to cycle on an extended weekend (2-3 days). A wide range of options, exciting excursion destinations and exciting sights invite you to stay longer in the region.

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Junction sequence: 05 - 04 - 03 - 02 - 01 - 15 - 16 - Warburg - Dalheim - Liebenau - Trendelburg - Helmrshausen - 24The entire Sauerland region has been signposted with the junction system since 2015:www.radeln-nach-zahlen.de/de/Das-KonzeptYou start at the source of the Diemel near Willingen-Usseln. The first section of the cycle route takes you through the charming low mountain range landscape of the Upland. The Diemelsee offers you numerous opportunities for an interesting stop. Marsberg's historic Oberstadt, the idyllic Orpe valley with its numerous mills and hammers near Diemelstadt-Wrexen and the Hanseatic town of Warburg are the next highlights on the tour.You have already completed three quarters of the Diemelradweg when you have the opportunity to dive into the sea of shell limestone in Liebenau. In Trendelburg, the climb up to Trendelburg Castle is worth the effort - the Lohne: a wonderful view over the Diemeltal! By the way - there is some evidence that this is the place where Rapunzel let her hair down.Before you reach the baroque town of Bad Karlshafen, you pass through the historic Carlsbahn tunnel (202 m) and have the opportunity to visit the Wasserschloß Wülmersen. The unique architecture of Bad Karlshafen provides a glamorous end to your cycle tour along the Diemelradweg. In Bad Karlshafen, you can continue your cycle tour on the Fulda Cycle Path / R1 to the Eder Cycle Path.


Eine Liste von hilfreichen Tipps rund um die Ausrüstung finden Sie unter: www.adfc.de/themen/auf-tour

Safty guidelines

A rescue point system has been installed throughout the region (Soest district, Hochsauerlandkreis, Märkischer Kreis, Olpe district and Siegen-Wittgenstein district). Rescue points can be found on the information boards at the junctions of the Südwestfalen cycle network.

Author Tip

In Trendelburg ist der Anstieg zur Trendelburg die Anstrengung wert - der Lohn: ein wunderschöner Ausblick über das Diemeltal! 





Public transiot

There is no continuous railroad line along the Diemel, but train connections in Willingen, Willingen-Usseln, Marsberg, Marsberg-Westheim, Warburg-Scherfede, Warburg, Bad Karlshafen offer transfer options. It is generally possible to transport bicycles on trains, please ask Deutsche Bahn in advance.

Getting there

Plan your journey to Willingen


Willingen-Usseln, Sportstraße