- Stage tour
- Round trip
This is the 1st stage of the Meschede Höhenwanderweg trail. It takes you over 13.9 km from the village of Erflinghausen to the village of Grevenstein.
Village of Erflinghausen
Village of Grevenstein
From the village chapel in Erflinghausen, our hiking trail first leads along the road in a northerly direction to the farm in Obermielinghausen. We cross this and walk approx. 2 km through a small wood and through the fields in a westerly direction to the Reiste - Freienohl road (L914). Here we first turn right and then left after another 300 m. After about 500 m we reach the "Kurkölnerweg" - SGV main hiking trail X 22, on which we climb up to the village of Oesterberge.Alternative route, marked with (m)At the village chapel in Oesterberge, an alternative or shortcut path branches off to the right, which is marked with the hiking sign (m). This hiking trail leads through the Kelbketal valley, the village of Calle and the Caller Kreuzweg uphill to the "Am Halloh" hiking trail junction (see also the Grevenstein - Freienohl hiking trail route).Another alternative or shortcut trail, which is also marked with (m), begins about 400 m above the "Haus Bergeshöh" inn in Oesterberge (recommended refreshment stop). This path leads around the "Markshöhe" (591 m above sea level), the "Braberg" (575 m above sea level) and the "Sülsberg" (546 m above sea level). On the hiking trail to Wallen, the "Wallenstein" nature reserve (468 m above sea level) is on the left, where the remains of a rampart castle from the Carolingian period can still be seen. From the district of Wallen, continue uphill for about 500 m ("Halloweg" road) to the north to the aforementioned hiking trail junction"Am Halloh".We follow the "Kurkölnerweg" from Oesterberge to the Bundesgolddorf Wenholthausen. From the Wennetal valley, we first walk through the settlement of Mathmecke and then up to the "Stillberg" (386 m above sea level). After about 400 m, we reach the "Beerenberg" hiking parking lot. Here we cross the road (L 839), again taking care. Walking around the "Beerenberg" (532 m above sea level), we reach the Fabri sawmill on the road to Grevenstein. Our hiking trail now runs parallel to the road to the district of Grevenstein.
Wir empfehlen festes Schuhwerk, wetterangepasste Bekleidung, sowie ausreichend Verpflegung und Getränke.
Nach dieser schönen Wandertour sollten Sie ein frisch gezapftes VELTINS Pilsener, das in Grevenstein gebraut wird, genießen.