Cycle route: Meinerzhagen Kierspe

Sauerland-Seen / Outdooractive Touren / Cycle route: Meinerzhagen Kierspe
Breddershaus - Grünewald - Genkel - Kierspe - Belkenscheid - Drögenpütt - Breddershaus


Tour starting point:


Tour destination point:



  • Round trip




39.8 km


3:10 Std.

Elevation ascent

556 m

Elevation descent

556 m

Lowest point

321 m

Highest point

565 m





Nestled in the beautiful Sauerland and the Ebbegebirge Nature Park, Meinerzhagen offers a charming hiking and leisure landscape. Whether on vacation with the family or as a couple, active in sports or a nature enthusiast - there is something for everyone. The Lister, Fürwigge and Genkeltalsperre reservoirs offer the 21,000 inhabitants and visitors a wide range of leisure activities. Meinerzhagen's cultural center is the town hall and conference center. It offers concerts, theater, cinema and much more. There is also always something going on around the town: markets, funfairs, circuses and town festivals bring the town to life. The varied pedestrian zone nearby offers numerous stores, boutiques, cafés and restaurants. There are numerous opportunities to relax and enjoy yourself - after a cycling or hiking tour or just for a relaxing afternoon. The citizens' office in Meinerzhagen's town hall is located right next to the town park. The staff offer long opening hours at
and always have an open ear - for citizens and guests alike. Anyone wanting to find out more about the town can obtain information material there.



From Breddershaus take the L 539 towards Valbert. Take the next right towards Hardenberg, stay on the main road and drive past Valbert railroad station until you cross the railroad. Continue left on the K 4 towards Hardenberg. Go through Hardenberg to the B 54 and then turn right. Shortly before the railroad overpass, turn left onto the new bypass. Follow this on the cycle path, past the Schnüffel inn. Here you have a good view over Meinerzhagen on the right and shortly afterwards you can see the ski jump on the left. Continue along the cycle path over two traffic circles to the next junction at the end of the noise barriers, where you turn left onto Genkeler Straße towards Winzenberg. Cycle through Winzenberg and Redlendorf to the fork at the Listringhausen bus stop and then turn right. Follow the road to Genkel and then immediately take a sharp right up the hill, over the railroad bridge and continue along the road. After the underpass, take an immediate sharp left and continue straight on to the crossroads. Turn left there towards Kierspe. In Kierspe, cross the first set of traffic lights and turn diagonally right at the next junction into the cul-de-sac with the bollards ("Glockenweg"). Then take "Thingslindestraße" to the junction at Thingslinde and turn right towards Niederhohenholten. In Sankel turn left onto the B 54 and in Vorth take the next right towards Belkenscheid. In Belkenscheid, turn left around the farm and follow the road to the highway underpass. Turn right at the crossroads until you reach the main road and then turn right towards Meinerzhagen / Kierspe. The route takes you past Drögenpütt, the highway underpass and then straight on towards Breddershaus/Valbert. You will reach your starting point in Breddershaus.Listertalsperre damFrom the outdoor pool, take the K7 (combined cycle/footpath) in the direction of Echternhagen. At Echtemhagen, turn sharp right onto the main road. At the crossroads, turn left steeply uphill towards Ebberg/Sellenrade. Go over the next crossroads on the crest in the direction of Sellenrade, through Eckertsmühle to the crossroads and then right to Sellenrade. Follow the road through Sellenrade to the crossroads, then turn right onto "Wesetalstraße". In Beukenbeul, turn right onto the dirt road and ride parallel to the main road. Keep left at the fork in Weschede and continue to the main road in Papiermühle. Turn right there and left again before the petrol station. From Listerscheid, continue uphill in the direction of Wamge. In Wamge, keep right and follow the road towards Eichen. Cross the crossroads and continue to Eichen until you reach the crossroads, then turn left and immediately right onto the next road to the Listermauer. Cross the dam and continue along the Lister to Kalberschnacke, turn right over the bridge and then left towards Hunswinkel. In Hunswinkel, turn left at the first fork in the road towards Meinerzhagen and immediately right after the small stone bridge towards Eseloh. Follow the road until the crossroads, then turn left towards Valbert. In Wilkenberg, go straight on in the sharp bend to the farm, then continue to the crossroads and turn right there. Follow the road to the fork, then turn right to the main road. Cross the road and ride into Valbert back to the outdoor pool.

Author Tip

Die Mattenschanzen liegen direkt an der Strecke. Weitere Ausflugsziele in der Nähe sind:KrimDie Krim im Stadtzentrum von Meinerzhagen ist ein Schmuckstück: ein malerisches Gebäudeensemble aus dem 17. Jahrhundert. Seit 1867 werden dort die berühmten Krugmann-Brände und -Liköre gebrannt, die in die ganzeWelt geliefert werden. Die Brennerei kann besichtigt werden. Auf den Spuren von Altbrenner Bodo unternehmen Besucher dabei eine Reise durch 140 Jahre Brenngeschichte. www.krugmann.comListertalsperreSpiel und Spaß in und am Wasser steht an der Listertalsperre im Vordergrund. Ein kleiner Bootshafen mit Ruderbootverleih gehört ebenso dazu wie offiziellen Badestrände. Der Parkplatz Listertalsperre und die Kalberschnacke sind bei Inline-Fahrern und Radwanderern beliebte Ausgangspunkte. Die Wege zum Skaten sind leicht bismittelschwer (kaumAnstiege oder Abfahrten, auch für Anfänger geeignet); teilweise sind die Wege sehr schmal. FürwiggetalsperreDie Fürwiggetalsperre bietet zwei Erlebnisbereiche: das Wandern durch die reizvolle Landschaft des Ebbegebirges und den Eindruck der Talsperre als technisches Denkmal aus den Jahren um 1900.AmParkplatz an der 29Meter hohen Staumauer beginnt der 3 km lange Wanderweg um die Talsperre; er ist ideal für Wanderer, Walker oder Jogger. Außerdem führt der Wanderweg A1 (ca. 8 km) an der Fürwiggetalsperre vorbei. Bade- undWassersportmöglichkeiten bietet das Gewässer aufgrund seiner Nutzung als Trinkwasser-Talsperre nicht.