- promising
- Round trip
- Refreshment stop
- cultural / historical
Parking lot at the Hennedamm Hotel
Parking lot at the Hennedamm Hotel
Continue along the Way of the Cross towards Meschede town center.
Maybe you'll be lucky and it's market day. Every Tuesday and Friday, Kaiser-Otto-Platz is a hive of activity. Regional fruit and vegetable stalls and fresh flowers can be found here. Stores and cafés also invite you to stroll through the pedestrian zone (Ruhrstraße). The flight of steps on the Ruhr promenade at the end of the pedestrian zone offers an opportunity to linger.
The Hennepark on the Henne floodplains behind the Kreishaus is designed to bring nature and water to life. There is a viewing platform, water building blocks, play equipment and much more.
Another highlight on Hennen Boulevard is the new Himmelstreppe. Once you have climbed the 333 steps, you will be rewarded with fantastic views. The Hennesee glistens to the west. On the other side, you have a view over the whole of Meschede.
Geheimtipp! Benötigen Sie eine kleine Verschnaufpause mit Waffeln, Eis oder Kaffee? Eine Option wäre das Chillin‘ Strandcafé auf dem Damm. Falls Sie nicht genug haben, bietet sich ab hier der Wanderweg A8 für eine Henneseeumrundung an.
Via the B55 from the direction of Meschede or from the direction of Bremke/Reiste
Parking lot at the Hennedamm Hotel