Bilstein: Veischede Sun Trail - North-West Loop

Sauerland-Seen / Outdooractive Touren / Bilstein: Veischede Sun Trail - North-West Loop
At 26.7 km, the north-west loop of the Veischede Sun Trail (VSP) demands a good level of fitness. You will be rewarded with a constant change of forest and open landscapes. Magnificent views add to the attractiveness of the route.






Aussichtsturm Hohe Bracht

Tour starting point:

The western loop of the VSP begins in Bilstein

Tour destination point:



  • Stage tour
  • promising
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stop

Additional Information

Tourist Information Lennestadt & Kirchhundem, Hundemstr. 18 (in the station building), 57368 Lennestadt-Altenhundem, Tel. 02773/608-800, Fax 02773/608-801,,




27 km


7:40 Std.

Elevation ascent

619 m

Elevation descent

619 m

Lowest point

303 m

Highest point

588 m





Recommended seasons

On the north-west loop of the Veischede Sun Trail (VSP), there are great forests and magnificent panoramas as well as a castle and the Hohe Bracht to conquer. However, you should bring some fitness with you for the route!
Parkplatz Oberveischede
B55 Neuenwald
Parkplatz Fahlenscheid
Aussichtsturm Hohe Bracht


Aussichtsturm und das Wahrzeichen des Kreises Olpe auf 588 m Höhe.

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The north-west loop of the VSP begins in Bilstein (S). First you climb up to the castle (1). From there, take A23 left uphill through mixed forest. After a meadow, turn right and walk uphill on a flatter path. A great view soon opens up on the right at a Weide. A little later, a rest area (2) in a clearing invites you to take a break. Flanked by young spruce-birch forest, you continue the tour and separate from A23 at the transition into the high spruce forest. Now turn left unmarked onto a forest path. Continue straight ahead along this path, ignoring any side paths that branch off, until a path with the L, A and R markings joins the VSP later on from the diagonal right. Continue straight ahead together, following the A. With beautiful views, you reach the hamlet of Jäckelchen (3) and continue straight ahead on A. A short section of path follows before descending to the L880 on paved paths. Cross this and head towards the edge of the forest. There you separate from A. The VSP turns left and follows the asphalt path through open meadows. Beautiful views accompany the hiker to the Oberveischede parking lot (4), where the A markings are rejoined at the refuge. You walk through a varied forest to Tecklinghausen and cross the small settlement. Then you climb the hilltops of the high forest and can catch great views to the south over old windbreak areas. In one of the windbreak fields, change to the X24 markings and follow the path to the left towards Neuenwald. In the coniferous high forest, you can hike on a soft nature trail that leads down into the Veischedebachtal valley, where gurgling water accompanies the path. After crossing the stream, you climb up the edge of the forest to Neuenwald and carefully cross (5) the busy B55. The VSP leads along forest paths through open terrain in spruce forest and steadily uphill to Fahlenscheid. The few houses are quickly passed and you Wenden towards the K18 in an open field. At the Fahlenscheid hikers' parking lot (6), turn left at marker X8 and head for the hermitage (7) as your next destination. Pass the Arnscheider Berg and hike up and down to the Benolpe Kreuz (8), where a refuge invites you to take a break. The X8 then leads steadily uphill to the foot of the Buscheid. There you briefly separate from the X8, which runs over the summit. Choose the easier option here on the L-path and walk around the summit on the left. On the other side, X8 joins you again and together you continue to Hohe Bracht (9), where you can enjoy the view and stop for refreshments. Refreshed, you continue the tour and hike downhill on the X8 path. You soon follow a wide forest path below the ski slope, where you can enjoy a magnificent panoramic view. After 24.6 km (10), you separate from the X8 and the VSP and follow the X6 markings to the left towards Bilstein. After a continuous descent, you arrive back at the Amtshausplatz in Bilstein (S) after a total of 26.7 km.


Festes Schuhwerk, Regenschutz, Wanderstöcke und Rucksackverpflegung sind auf dieser Tour sinnvoll.

Safty guidelines

The tour is mostly on wide paths. However, some sections are somewhat difficult to walk on and require surefootedness. Some sections run along busy roads and require appropriate attention.

Author Tip

Unterwegs gibt es direkt an der Strecke nur an der Hohen Bracht eine Einkehrmöglichkeit. Daher sollte man auch im Hinblick auf die Länge der Tour unbedingt Rucksackverpflegung mitnehmen. Wer möchte kann diese große Westschleife entweder in Neuenwald (ÖPNV Anschluss, Buslinie SB 3) oder am Wanderparkplatz Fahlenscheid unterbrechen und so aus der Tour eine 2-Tageswanderung machen. Besonders bei klarer Wetterlage lohnt es sich an der Hohen Bracht den Aussichtsturm zu erklimmen. Von oben liegt das südliche Sauerland zu Füßen - die Aussicht ist einfach atemberaubend. Baudenkmal: Burg Bilstein, Hohe Bracht Flora: Buchenhallenwald, Windbruchareale Aussicht: Buscheidflanke, Hohe Bracht        


Wanderkarte Lennestadt & Kirchhundem, 1:25.000, 2. Auflage 2009, Tourist-Information Lennestadt & Kirchhundem, Hundemstr. 18, 57368 Lennestadt,

Public transiot

Take the train to Olpe or Altenhundem, from there take the SB3 express bus to Bilstein. Detailed information on the timetable at:

Getting there

Take the B55 to Bilstein, where you can park on the Amtshausplatz.


Bilstein Amtshausplatz