Marsberg hiking region

Natural monument

Sauerland-Seen / Outdooractive POI / Marsberg hiking region

In addition to national trails and regional themed trails, there are also numerous attractive circular trails in Marsberg and its districts. Hiking enthusiasts can discover the unique landscape of Marsberg on more than 240 kilometers of trails.

Blick auf Obermarsberg

Wandern auf dem Bezirkswanderweg

Wandern im Naturpark Diemlsee Padberg

Wandern in Westheims Nordosten


Marsberg hiking region

Bäckerstr. 8

34431 Marsberg

Telefon: 02992-8200

Fax: 02992-1461



The districts of Bredelar, Beringhausen, Padberg and Helminghausen, located in the Diemelsee Nature Park, can be discovered on ten hiking trails. In the south of Marsberg, Heddinghausen and Borntosten offer hikers six attractive hiking trails with exciting views.

Impressive landscape impressions also await hikers on the trails in Westheim, Meerhof, Oesdorf and Essentho. And Niedermarsberg and Obermarsberg can also be explored on eight existing trails.

You can find a list of the local hiking trails and trail markings here!

Also worth experiencing are the themed mining trails in Giershagen and Bredelar, the forest Naturerpfad and the hut trail in Meerhof, the rough pastures in Glockengrund in Udorf and the district hiking trail around Marsberg.

Main opening times:

Sunday opened
Monday opened
Tuesday opened
Wednesday opened
Thursday opened
Friday opened
Saturday opened


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