Güllener Ring

Natural monument

Sauerland-Seen / Outdooractive POI / Güllener Ring

We in Sundern!

Luftbild Güllener Ring

Aufgang zum Ringwall


Güllener Ring

Am Nordhang des Dümbergs

59846 Sundern



The Güllener Ring rampart is located around 800 m south of Linnepe on the northern slope of the Dümberg at an altitude of 440 to 460 m. The round main castle had a diameter of around 55-60 m. This part is enclosed by a strong rampart and an outer ditch. There is a smaller outer bailey to the north, which is also secured by a rampart and ditch. The only access to the main castle was from the north-west through a curtain gate, through which the castle ruins can still be entered today.

Remains of the ramparts and ditches have been preserved. The numerous stones lying in the terrain probably come from a ruined wall in the rampart. The height of the inner rampart is still 2 to 3½ m, the ditch is between 5 and 6 m deep.

A smaller section of rampart with an outer ditch can still be found around 100 m to the south.

The complex has been a listed building since 1978. The Güllener Ring is one of the Carolingian-Ottoman castles.