"A model of the town of Attendorn for the blind, based on the town's plans from 1810, stands on Rathausplatz. The Lions Club of the Hanseatic town has donated this model to the town of Attendorn in view of the town's 800th anniversary in 2022. The club has been donating the proceeds of its annual activities to charitable causes for many years.
Initiator Wolfgang Raring from the Lions Club: "As a Lions Club, we want to make a lasting contribution to increasing the attractiveness of the town center with our donation."
Text source: Lions Club Attendorn press release, https://www.attendorn.de/Quicknavigation/Start/Blinden-Stadtmodell-am-Rathausplatz-fertiggestellt.php?object=tx, 2422.5&ModID=7&FID=2422.29763.1&NavID=2422.12&fbclid=IwAR2a271VsDQjLhYCtb_LD9QSdGcf9wHi7WsqGoA_ABXHplo7Dt-ckZNyBLA