Biggequelle near Römershagen

Natural monument

Sauerland-Seen / Outdooractive POI / Biggequelle near Römershagen

The Biggequelle is located in the Wenden district of Römershagen. A stream littered with coarse stones collects the still small amount of spring water and fills one of the largest reservoirs in Germany after 16 km. Its main purpose is to store raw water for the Ruhrgebiet in order to ensure a steady flow of water in the Ruhr.

Beschilderung Biggequelle



Biggequelle near Römershagen

Biggequelle / nähe Zollstraße 12

57482 Wenden



Where can I find the Biggequelle?
From Wenden, take the K1 road in a south-westerly direction to Römershagen. Crottorfer Straße runs through the village. From here, you will find the road "Zur Biggequelle" on the left-hand side. The spring is then signposted. You can park directly on an agricultural road just under 100 meters from the spring.

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Main opening times:

Sunday opened
Monday opened
Tuesday opened
Wednesday opened
Thursday opened
Friday opened
Saturday opened


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