- Stage tour
- promising
- Geological highlights
- Fauna
- Refreshment stop
- cultural / historical
- Flora
The Sauerland-Höhenflug runs from Altena and Meinerzhagen to Korbach in Hesse right through the Sauerland hiking region. 250 fascinating, sporty and impressive kilometers on the ridges of the low mountain range are waiting to be discovered.
Meinerzhagen, Schallershaus
Korbach, Eisenberg
Service hotline of the Sauerland-Höhenflug: 02974 - 202 199
The long-distance hiking trail passes through 19 towns and villages and connects numerous sights, scenery and natural features along its individual stages.
Nature lovers can look forward to fascinating natural experiences in the deep forests, in the raised bogs on the slopes of the Ebbegebirge, in the extensive pastures of the Upland, in the Hochheide on the Kahler Asten or in the mountain meadows of the Medebach Bay European bird sanctuary.
Possible starting points for the Sauerland-Höhenflug are the Meinhardusschanze in Meinerzhagen, Burg Altena with the World Youth Hostel or Korbach with its romantic Altstadt.
However, the Sauerland-Höhenflug offers much more than fascinating landscapes and wonderful natural idylls. In the villages along the Sauerland-Höhenflug, the cultural and industrial history lives on today, as does the traditional rural bustle. Museums invite you to visit and learn about the history, industry and crafts of the region.
Recharge your batteries and recharge your batteries on the Sauerland-Höhenflug - the incomparable panoramic views ensure this. Whether from the heights around Altena, from the Robert-Kolb-Turm on the Nordhelle, from the Hunau or the Kahle Pön near Düdinghausen, whether from the Quitmannsturm near Neuenrade, the Schombergturm near Wildewiese, the tower on the Kahler Asten near Winterberg, the Heidkopfturm near Hallenberg or the Georg-Viktor-Aussichtsturm near Korbach, hikers are rewarded everywhere with numerous panoramic views! And if you let your gaze wander over mountains and valleys, idyllic villages, forests, meadows, streams, rivers and lakes, you will realize that only flying is more beautiful!
Meinerzhagen, Schallershaus - Valbert - Windhausen - Lenhausen - Weuspert - Wenholthausen - Bad Fredeburg - Altastenberg - Hallenberg - Medelon - Küstelberg - Düdinghausen - Korbach
Keine besondere Ausrüstung erforderlich, festes Schuhwerk, Regenschutz und Proviant wird empfohlen
Information about the rescue signs on the Sauerland-HöhenflugMost hiking trails run away from towns and settlements and every hiker has thought about what would happen if an emergency were to occur. How can I be found here? Where am I anyway? Can the emergency services reach me?In an emergency, things have to happen quickly! That's why the Sauerland-Höhenflug is equipped with so-called rescue signs throughout. The green and white plaques attached to the posts of the signposts have a number that you must give when making an emergency call. This means that the emergency services know exactly where you are and valuable time can be saved.
Besonders sehenswert sind die Hochmoore an den Hängen des Ebbegebirges, aber auch die Hochheidelandschaften rund um die Kahle Pön in Medebach. Nicht verpassen sollte man den Stabil-Stuhl zwischen Hallenberg, Liesen und Hesborn. Von dort sind herrliche Ausblicke auf Vogel- und Landschaftsschutzgebiete möglich.
Standpunkt Verlag (Hrsg.) (2017): Erlebnis-Wanderführer Sauerland-Höhenflug. Standpunkt-Verlag. ISBN 9783942309370, 14,90 €
Entlang des gesamten Sauerland-Höhenfluges liegen Ortswanderkarten von Müller&Richert vor, die in den Touristinformationen bestellt werden können.
To Meinerzhagen:For visitors from the Cologne area, the RB 25 runs every hour from Cologne main station to Meinerzhagen. And for visitors from the Ruhrgebiet, since 10.12.2017 the RB52 has been running every two hours from Hagen Hbf to Lüdenscheid-Brügge and from there onwards with the RB25 to Meinerzhagen, which also provides a connection from the Ruhrgebiet through the Volmetal. The 1.5 km access path takes you from the station and the town center to Schallershaus, the entry point to the Sauerland-Höhenflug. To Korbach: In Korbach, there are connections to the ICE train station Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe and the Brilon-Wald train station. The access route begins in the historic Altstadt of Korbach and takes you 4.5 km to the entrance portal on the Eisenberg.
To Meinerzhagen: Meinerzhagen is located in the immediate vicinity of the A45, has its own highway exit and can be reached in an hour's drive from the Ruhrgebiet and from the Cologne/Aachen metropolitan area. Coming from the Ruhrgebiet, turn left at the first set of traffic lights to get onto the L306 n southern bypass, then stay right on Heerstraße past the Hotel-Restaurant "Am Schnüffel". From there it is about 800m to the Schallershaus entrance portal.Coming from Olpe on the A45, turn right at the first set of traffic lights, get into the left-hand lane at the second set of traffic lights and then stay right on the southern bypass L306 n past the Hotel-Restaurant "Am Schnüffel". The turn-off to the Schallershaus hiking parking lot is signposted. To Korbach: You can reach the Korbach entry point from the north via the A 44, Diemelstadt exit and then via the B 252. From the south, follow the A 485 to the Giessen Nordkreuz junction - via Marburg and Frankenberg you will reach Korbach.
In Meinerzhagen: Parking is available in Meinerzhagen at the Shallershaus hiking parking lot, directly at the entrance portal of the Sauerland-Höhenflug (GoogleMaps coordinate: 51.099453,7.65324). For long-term parking (only on Fridays with a parking disc), there are also parking spaces behind the town hall in Meinerzhagen town center (GoogleMaps coordinates: 51.108022, 7.640709) In Korbach: Hikers' parking lot at the Eisenberg portal (GoogleMaps coordinate: 51.253777,8.833476).